Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monday, Tuesday 3 days until Friday

Yesterday the kittens were over here working on the new computer that my oldest kitten purchased. Papa kat had to work on it and still is working on it...........
Seems it didn't come with all the software and many, many ,calls later Papa kat is still working on it. Kittens over translates in to me fixing dinner.
Dinner means dishes and some how they are always left to clean up later.
Papa kat was a gem and did them today. So I came home to a clean sink.
Now if I can just get him to cook and have dinner ready for me, that would me wonderful. My brother is doing better and should be going home soon.
He wasn't happy that they shaved all his chest hairs, I am sure it will be nice and itchy soon.
Went to the dentist today for a teeth cleaning so I have a bright smile now. Still have the crown to think about, maybe in a few months. Smile now!


  1. Too bad you cannot do the dishes before you eat then you would have the food to hold as hostage until the kitchen was clean.

  2. I usually get lucky. Momoko or some other cats do my dishes. I don't even know how to run the dishwasher.

    For some reason I get other fun jobs, like taking out the trash, washing the sheets, and moving the lawn. Anybody want to trade?
