Friday, May 21, 2010

Look in for a nice weekend weather wise

It is suppose to be nice this weekend, no bad weather and warm.
Sunday I think I am going with the kittens to Tulsa for a fish meeting and auction. It is the clubs spring fling. I hope I can find some nice deals.
We will be taking my car as it gets better gas mileage then the kittens truck. So I have to make the decision to either drive myself or let a kitten drive. If I drive I usually have a driver in the passenger seat giving me unwanted directions. If they drive, I fear for my life. ( it isn't that bad but you get the idea)
Hope you are cool my the weekends end and I have plenty of new fish.


  1. Oh no. Looks like we are getting the bad weather. And Momoko is going on some outdoor class trips. No good.

  2. Sure hope she made it with out rain.

  3. I was lucky no bad weather for my outdoor class.
