Friday, May 7, 2010

The sun is shinning and all is well

I am ready for the weekend. Nothing much planned except going to the show to see Iron man 2.
I need to get some tomato plants planted before it is to late and a dog groomed. I am not feeling the dog grooming so I will have to play that by ear.
It is good garage sale weather but the kittens have been going by themselves so I would have to get the old papa motivated and that isn't going to happen, I am sure. A few extra hours sleeping in is always nice so I guess I will work on that.


  1. Have you heard about the topsy turvy tomatoes that grow upside down in the planter?

  2. yes I planted 2 tomotoe plants in them last year. Didn't have any luck. I am planting some cherry tomatoes in them this year and put them in a different place. So we will see if they work this year.
