Sunday, January 17, 2010

Good Weekend

This has been a good weekend, not that much has happen but my cold is getting better so I felt Like a real person again. Saturday was errand day. Got the HHr serviced it was the 30,000 mile service but since they didn't have record of the 15, 000 mile service they did thatin instead, it was cheaper. Thank G-d !! It cost enough the 30,000 is twice as much. Yuk ! Went to the show we saw the book of Eli. It was good.
PaPa's kat's Mom was in a car accident, she pulled out in front of a car, She got pretty banged up, She broke her foot and hurt her shoulder and can't move her arm on that side because everything is bruised. Made a pot of beans with the left over ham bone from Christmas..Yum I did take down the Christmas Tree, so the holidays are now over, finally!
