Friday, January 8, 2010

Back to normal again

Now the the kids have left and the holidays are over and done with, the only thing left to do is take down the tree and put away the holiday things for next year. Ever year I say I am going to get a new tree but end up using the old one again. Every year, I think if I toss it now then I will have to get a new one but as luck has it, money is always a issue around that time. If I was smart, I would buy one after the holidays but that doesn't happen either. Oh well.
I am still nursing a cold and I hope it goes away soon. I have gone thru a box of Kleenex and now I am on TP duty until I go to the store. Is is not as soft!
I really enjoyed having the kids for the Holidays, wish I could see them more often. (hint)
This weekend I don't have anything planned except a trip to the store. It has been very cold this week but is suppose to warm up to the forties next week. Heat wave!
Everything else is going well so far. Till next time, take care.

1 comment:

  1. Hey we looked for a new tree after Christmas. But by the time we got back in town, they were gone. Doh! Better luck next year.
