Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Slumber

We had the slumber party as planned. I think everything was good, at least it seemed so. If girls making all kind of noise is any indication then it was a hit.
They must have stayed up late, I went to bed at my normal time but when Papa kat got up at 6 to feed the dog the TV was still on. Everyone was a sleep so I guess they fall asleep watching TV.
They were served Mc D's for breakfast and then off the went.
Papa kat and I did our Saturday running around and got back after the last girl left. Brekat and Amkat helped clean up the mess and then they were off as well.
Sunday they went to the friends of the library book sale. They said they got lots of books. I remember the days when the kids went.
I Cooked dinner and then got ready for the week.
Now I am here and wondering were my weekend went.

1 comment:

  1. Hey its good that the mess got cleaned up. That is usually the hard part of sleep overs.
