Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tried and ready to nap

I have been waking up tired, I am sure it is allergies, so I could really take a nap right about now. I am at work and on my lunch hour so I could take a short nap but that would just make it worse.
Yesterday we had Sun, I all most forgot what it looked like but today it is over cast and has been spitting some small snow flakes. We are not suppose to get any accumulation but they are south of us.
It does look clear for the next few days. Tomorrow is suppose to be in the 50's and then a cold spell again for the week end. Burr.
With all the rain and warmer days you would think the big snow mounds would be all melted but I still see some around and we didn't have all the snow you did on the east coast. I bet the back is getting sore with all that shoveling.
Snow blower might be in order for you next year, right.

1 comment:

  1. Puts in an official request for a snow blower for this years gift list. I am sure all the east coast cats would give up their presents for this awesome family gift!
