Monday, February 15, 2010

Wonderful week

I hope this week will be a wonderful one, No snow, No bad weather, everyone healthy ect. This week end was good, my baby had her 40th birthday so that made me feel old. Seems like she had a good one.
Went to the show on Sunday, we saw Percy it was good for what it was. Fixed dinner, Roast. Watched a lot of TV, with the Olympics on it is addictive.
Today is Presidents day but the little kitten Amkat had to go to school to make up a Snow day. I wonder if it was some one else's birthday, that was in Jan, if they would have gone to school...hummmm. Just wondering?
Did the normal stuff that we usually do on Saturday but we got a late start do to the Papa kat snoozing time.
I go to the Dentist Wednesday to finally get a crown put in. ( I have had a temp for 2 years) I figured it was working just fine but the dentist keeps on telling me I need a new one. (more money in his pocket and it takes all of mine) Boo hoo!
Hope you have better weather this week.

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