Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hair cut day

This weekend was good, we saw the movie SALT, it was very good.
Not much else is new, same old stuff.

We are thinking of going to see my Mom in Sept, we have decided to fly instead of driving. Haven't gotten the tickets yet so we will see how that pans out.

I was suppose to have a MRI on Monday but I didn't see the place that they had me scheduled on my insurance list, So I called. It is out of network, so I sure don't want to go there. I called and canceled and placed a call for my Dr. to choose some place else.

Today I get my hair cut, so yesterday I made Papa help me with a perm. He complains about the smell but he does a good job squirting the stuff on. This comes with years of practice of course.


  1. The previews for Salt look good. Not sure whether she is innocent or a secret agent. We got some movies we want to see before Salt though. So little time.

  2. We have been too busy for movies. I am hoping to see a few more before the kittens come back.
