Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We have SUN!

It is so bright it hurts your eyes. I guess not seeing sunshine can effect you that way. We have Sun but we also have Heat and Humidity which will make us feel like it is in the 100's, so the weatherman says.

I bought 7 qts of blackberries, so I have some Jam making time ahead of me.
They are very small berries so I hope I will have enough juice for a batch of Jam.

My plans are to either juice or freeze them tonight. I got them yesterday but was feeling a little under the weather. Allergies, Mold and who knows what else is out there.


  1. I knew you all had the heat. But now you have humidity too? Ahhh. Stay indoors and use the a/c.

  2. I am hoping jam is coming my way (hint).

  3. hint hint you say, well I will think about it
