Friday, July 16, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

Now that we don't have rain, it is just to hot, I need a happy medium.
Looking forward to the weekend. I have berries juiced and ready to go for the big jam making session, now to get the other ingredients. There are some good movies to watch and just plan not at work time to enjoy.
I heard the Big DC had a little quake did anyone notice???? That would have been early and all might have still be snoring logs, right.

Hey, I thought the kittens were suppose to be blogging ( Kit Kat) are they having that much fun or did they break fingers??? Just wondering!!
All seems to be well this away hope everyone has a good weekend.


  1. I felt the bed shake in the middle of the night. It was enough to wake me. Turned over to Momoko, but she was sound asleep. The shaking did not persist, and I stayed up too late anyway, so I just went back to sleep.

  2. I woke up with a jolt! I do not think I jumped up as much as I just opened my eyes. I tried to go back to sleep but the jolt made me have to go to the bathroom. I do not know why Black thought I slept through the ordeal. I remember looking over at him and he was rolled over and I assumed he was sound asleep. Oh well, we both felt it but were in a daze it would seem.
