Monday, July 5, 2010

Rainy holiday

It is Monday and I am enjoying a day at home instead of at work.
Didn't do to much this weekend. Went to the show saw the last airbender, it was ok.
Helped Amkat with Sunday dinner, she decided on Chicken Pesto Pasta. It was good. I am not a real fan of Pesto but she did well.
My oldest kitten wasn't feeling well, she was having a hard time breathing and needed to use the breathing machine that Papa kat has. If she isn't feeling better today I think she needs to go and get a shot.
My job today is to groom all the dogs plus Barker but as you can see I haven't started yet, just being lazy. Papa Kat is still snoring ZZZ's and it is almost noon. I guess I better start my day and start using the clippers. Have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. I must get that sleeping gene from Dad. I spent most of Monday in a sleeping/resting position.
