Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th now back at work.

The fourth was great but most fireworks were postponed until later because of the rain. We were having the rain effects from the hurricane and now we will have the effects of the gulf making a rainy week. It put a damper on a lot of plans for the 4th however when you are our age you don't have any to mess with.

Now I am back at work, it is always bad after a holiday because everyone gets back into their normal swing of things and remember they need to pay their bill or order something. Which is good for the company but not so much for the workers.

I groomed 4 dogs and gave 2 of them a bath, the black ones needed a little soap.
The others get bathed more often since mud and white don't mix well.

Like I said it has been raining and rain and heat makes for some humid temps, so we are all putting up with that. I heard that the east is suffering with the heat also. Thank g-d for the air conditioning!!

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